Labels:bulletin board | encyclical | reckoner | sky | web site | window OCR: Cannel Basics The object of Camel to travel 400 kilometers acro3s the Gobi Desert. Your joumey is filled with Aueu srBurep hungry Pygmy carnibals who are chasing you, thirst hunger and fatigue wild Berbers who will'try to kidnap you thieves traveling in carav rans and sanda stoms An occational oasis and friendly caravan will help you on your joumey For jouney vou need food and water These supplies are finite and you will need to find more to survive the jouney Your stat include thirst hunger and camel fatigue Keep an eye sta.ts and plan your moves accordingly (see the Stats/Supplies for more infonmation) There are four tum aday The day 15 broken up into moming midday evening and night. You may command per mm eating or drinking do not use up turm) At the eni of each um distances are compute ...